Baron Strategic Services offers a comprehensive range of market research services.
Quantitative Surveys
- Telephone surveys
- Mail surveys
- Face to face interviews
- Conjoint studies
- Syndicated projects
Qualitative Studies
- Group discussions
- In-depth interviews
- Opportunity evaluations
- Buyer behaviour
- Syndicated projects
Strategic Market Analysis
- Brand mapping
- Multivariate analysis
- Quantitative surveys
- Qualitative studies
- Opportunity evaluations
New Product Assessments
- Concept testing
- Image testing
- Packaging design
- Market acceptance
- Positioning
Opportunity Evaluations
- Market analysis
- Price optimisation
- Qualitative studies
Syndicated Projects
- Distribution studies
- Market tracking services
- Supplier service monitoring
Our staff are experienced at interviewing and surveying farmers, distributors, veterinarians, consultants, contractors and service providers.
We offer specialised expertise where the complex or technical nature of the subject matter requires sound knowledge of markets and/or end users.
For quantitative projects Baron uses advanced statistical software that allows us to undertake a broad range of analyses. Some of the more interesting options are:
- Key decision-drivers
- Perceptual mapping
- Factor analysis
- Cluster analysis
- Conjoint studies
For qualitative projects we adopt a flexible approach with a clear focus on the objectives and the client’s overall requirements.
Many require the conduct of focus groups, with which we have substantial experience.
When the subject group is farmers, our usual method is to invite a number of farmers from the area to dinner in a private room at a local restaurant. We find this encourages a relaxed discussion and facilitates the expression of genuine opinions.
With other groups such as veterinarians and opinion leaders, different methods are sometimes preferred.
Following is a list of projects that illustrate the range of market research assignments undertaken.
- Surveys and qualitative studies to determine brand positioning, sources of information, purchasing criteria and other aspects relating to farm machinery and chemicals.
- Surveys to identify the potential market for new products and their optimum price position.
- Surveys of attitudes of veterinarians, pet owners, broad acre farmers, dairy farmers, livestock farmers, cotton growers, horticulturists, etc.
- Surveys and analysis of the market for genetically engineered products.
- Surveys of the market for veterinary services.
- Surveys of veterinary wholesaler attitudes to supplier service.
- Qualitative studies to determine broad acre, citrus, vegetable and flower grower attitudes to chemical sprays.
- A survey of fencing contractors to examine attitudes to fencing accessories.
- Surveys of veterinarians to measure opinions of pharmaceutical suppliers and brands.
- Studies of veterinarians to examine attitudes to distribution of health products through OTC channels.
- Research to determine the likely size and nature of the Australian viticulture industry.
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